Colorful acrylics 2020 – bright pure colors and geometric shapes
sprinkled field #3 sprinkled field #3 detailsprinkled field #3 roomlarge sprinkled field #3 large sprinkled field #3 detaillarge sprinkled field #3 roomcolorful gap #6 colorful gap #6 detailcolorful gap #6 roomcolorful gap #7 sold!colorful gap #7 detailcolorful gap #7 roomstretched lines #4 sold!stretched lines #4 detailstretched lines #4 roomspraydots #2 sold!spraydots #2 detailspraydots #2 roomspraychart! spraychart! detailspraychart! roomsprinkled field #4 sold!sprinkled field #4 detailsprinkled field #4 roomsofter dot! sold!softer dot! detailsofter dot! roomlines #1 sold!lines #1 detaillines #1 roomlines #2 sold!lines #2 detaillines #2 roomcolorful gap #8 sold!colorful gap #8 detailcolorful gap #8 roomvibrating circle #3 sold!vibrating circle #3 detailvibrating circle #3 roomrange of colors #2 sold!range of colors #2 detailrange of colors #2 roomrange of colors #3range of colors #3 detailrange of colors #3 roomrange of colors #4 sold!range of colors #4 detailrange of colors #4 roompaperwork #11 sold!paperwork #11 detailpaperwork #11 roompaperwork #12 sold!paperwork #12 detailpaperwork #12 roompaperwork #13 sold!paperwork #13 detailpaperwork #13 roomfabrics! sold!fabrics! detailfabrics! roomfabrics #2 fabrics #2 detailfabrics #2 roomcolors! sold!colors! detailcolors! roomcolors #2 sold!colors #2 detailcolors #2 roomcolors #3 sold!colors #3 detailcolors #3 roomsprinkled dot #9 sold!sprinkled dot #9 detailsprinkled dot #9 roomsprinkled dot #10sprinkled dot #10 detailsprinkled dot #10 roompaperwork #14 sold!paperwork #14 detailpaperwork #14 roompaperwork #15 sold!paperwork #15 detailpaperwork #15 roomrange of colors #5 sold!range of colors #5 detailrange of colors #5 roomrange of colors #6 sold!range of colors #6 detailrange of colors #6 roomrange of colors #7range of colors #7 detailrange of colors #7 roomwall!wall! detailwall! roomspraydots #3 sold!spraydots #3 detailspraydots #3 roomspraydots #4 sold!spraydots #4 detailspraydots #4 roomwide colors #6 sold!wide colors #6 detailwide colors #6 roomdivided colors #2 sold!divided colors #2 sold!saatchi art collectionsprinkled hubcap! sold!sprinkled hubcap! detailsprinkled hubcap! tagpaperwork #16 sold!paperwork #16 detailpaperwork #16 roompaperwork #17 sold!paperwork #17 detailpaperwork #17 roompaperwork #18paperwork #18 detailpaperwork #18 roompaperwork #19 sold!paperwork #19 detailpaperwork #19 roompaperwork #21 sold!paperwork #21 detailpaperwork #21 roompaperwork #22 sold!paperwork #22 detailpaperwork #22 roomcandy spraydots!candy spraydots! detailcandy spraydots! roomwide colors #7 sold!wide colors #7 detailwide colors #7 roomwide colors #8 sold!wide colors #8 detailwide colors #8 roomwide fall colors! sold!wide fall colors! detailwide fall colors! roomwavy lines! wavy lines! detailwavy lines! roomwavy lines #2wavy lines #2 detailwavy lines #2 detailformation #11 sold!formation #11 detailformation #11 roomformation #12 sold!formation #12 detailformation #12 roomcolors #4colors #4 detailcolors #4 roomroomy colors! sold!roomy colors! panel1roomy colors! panel2colorful stripes #9colorful stripes #9 detailcolorful stripes #9 detailminimalist lines #1 sold!minimalist lines #1 detailminimalist lines #1 roomminimalist lines #2 sold!minimalist lines #2 detailminimalist lines #2 roomcurves! sold!curves! detailcurves! roomformation! sold!formation! detailformation! roomdiverging dot! sold!diverging dot! detaildiverging dot! roomseries colors! sold!
My inspiration: I’m obsessed with bold and powerful colors arranged in common geometric shapes. That’s me – clear and structured at work, but also always creative, curious, passionate, and a bit imperfect. I’m inspired by the color itself and adore its purity. Every individual color gets my undivided attention. My works are painted color by color. In this way, I fill the canvas step by step with dynamic vitality and structure.
My message: Time is moving fast, and our minds are strongly influenced by the media and social platforms. I want people to pause their thoughts, calm down, follow the lines, journey with the circles, gaze at the dots and color fields in my works, and feel the vibrancy and allure of pure colors and common shapes.
To buy my art online explore all important galleries here: Astrid Stoeppel
Send me an email to get a free catalog for available artworks.
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