clio art fair 2020

the clio art fair in new york focuses attention on the kind of contemporary art and interventions that are being created by independent artists.

in march 2020, my second time at clio art fair, you can explore 4 paper sculptures of my new series paperwork in a large and exposed booth.

pictures copyright by vincent roazzi jr.

Astrid Stöppel, Astrid Stoeppel - modern and contemporary art, german artist, pop art, abstract, street art, international artist, Art Miami 2019, Art Miami 2020, Saatchi Art, Singulart, art online

clio art fair – new york 2020

the clio art fair’s primary goal is to create a space for direct dialogue between artists and collectors, artists and curators without the presence of any long-term mediator. discover the program and fair hours here

contact me and get your free vip tickets for clio art fair:

brooklyn expo center – booth 66

the other art fair brooklyn 2017

fair opening hours and dates:

private view, thursday november 9th: 6pm-9.30pm

friday november 10th: 12pm-9pm
saturday november 11th: 11am-7pm
sunday november 12th: 11am-6pm

get free tickets here:

code: astoeppel

hope to meet you soon at the other art fair – booth 66

toaf floor plan – booth66

rome italy – international art expo 2015

International Art Expo Rome, modern art, series colorful acrylics, three large paintings in exhibition, Astrid Stöppel, Astrid Stoeppel, Flyer Art Gallery,, modern, special, colorful, abstract art
flyer art gallery rome italy

the flyer art gallery presents the international art expo rome 2015.
23th october – 4th november 2015
opening: 23th october 6:30pm

see three large paintings from astrid stöppel series „colorful acrylics!“

special wine labels – kunstvolle weinetiketten

this is a special edition of wine and wine labels with my fluid paintings „dark lightning!“ (white wine – winery engelhof – germany) and „colors of spring!“ (red wine – winery engelhof – germany)

kunstvolle weinetiketten: die neuen hausweine (weingut engelhof) des naturfreundehauses bodensee sind fertig abgefüllt. auf den weinetiketten zu sehen sind zwei meiner fluid paintings: weißwein „dark lightning!“ und rotwein „colors of spring!“. besuchen sie das naturfreundehaus  bodensee in markelfingen bei radolfzell und genießen sie dort leckere speisen und getränke in einem lichtdurchfluteten restaurant und dazu einen herrlichen blick auf den bodensee.